Monday, July 8, 2019

Our cool our planet's fever

"Nova Scotia Sunset" photo by the author, KLWood
My post this time around is short and to the point. An opinion piece, you might say, but one in which I feel impelled to express myself on this "hot" button topic.
My thoughts on global climate change:
Even if you thought, perhaps incorrectly, that your child's illness was completely natural in origin and nothing you did caused it to occur, would you sit back and simply watch her sicken, weaken, and possibly die? Even if you thought death was inevitable, would you refuse to comfort her? Would you block efforts to cool down her raging fever? Of course you wouldn't, because you are a good and loving parent.
The preponderance of objective, non-political, scientific evidence points to the fact that human activity has caused a sharp rise in global warming, which could lead to the demise of our planet's health. (Please read this NASA link:
"Obed, TN Autumn" photo by the author, KLWood
Even if you can't bring yourself to accept this, would you want your great-grandchildren to look back on your generation of earth-dwellers and realize you sat back and did not do everything in your power to help relieve the situation? Even if you thought it might be futile? Even if it meant exerting influence over people outside your own country's borders? Would you not find a way to offer some relief? Some way to bring down the earth's fever?
What we do now or refuse to do now, has direct influence on the lives of our children of the future (and that is not a far-distant future.) Our own individual actions, and those individuals we elect to make our collective actions, demonstrate where our hearts and spirits lie.
We are both child and parent of the earth.
This earth, this home—God's gift to us to thrive within and care for.

Thanks for stopping by. Y'all come back, now.
Kate (Non-apologetic Tree Hugger and Mother of Future Generations)