Wednesday, November 22, 2017

Giving Thanks...for dirty feet

For this month's post, during the season of giving thanks, my thoughts turn to gratitude as I realize all that I have to be thankful for. And, as I swept the floors today in preparation for friend and family visits, I got to thinking about all that dirt, where it came from, and what it actually meant to me. Lo, and behold, that dirt spawned unexpected gratitude and this new poem was born!

Giving Thanks
by Kate Louise Wood

Dirt tracked inside
and, as I sweep,
Thanksgiving sings
upon my lips.
For if the source
of my day’s toil
was gone away,
I’d surely weep
and long to grab
my broom and sweep
the muddy trail
of those dear feet.

Thanks for stopping by...y'all come back, now! And Happy Thanksgiving, one and all!
