Wednesday, August 13, 2014

That's a Good One!...18th century humor

While perusing a book of 18th and early 19th century jokes, Joe Miller’s Complete Jest Book, I ran across an alarming number of Irish jokes in the same vein as our more recent Polish jokes. Not  being Irish, myself, I am hesitant to repeat them here. I have no compunction, however, in reproducing several of the many Lawyer jokes! Yeah, I know, so sue me. Apparently this occupation, although graced with many honest and hard-working attorneys, has been the bane and butt of many a joke over the years. Below, I have “cut” and “pasted”a few jokes directly from Joe Miller’s Complete Jest Book to give you a look at the humor of an earlier age. I've included a couple not directly related to lawyers but I couldn't pass them up: one pokes fun at an alderman (an elected municipal official) and the other regards the will of a man in which he hopes to have the last laugh.

Have a good week, dear Reader. Thanks for stopping by...Y'all come back now!


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