Thursday, October 10, 2019

Autumn Revelation...waxing poetic

"Yorktown Autumn" photo by K.L. Wood

Today, I share my poetic efforts as inspired by the changing seasons. Thanks for taking a moment to read my humble offering.

Kathryn Louise Wood

And with Autumn comes change,
green leaves casting off their homogeneous cloaks,
revealing true colors, no longer in hiding,
but shimmering forth in singular beauty,
unleashed with the freedom of "what's there to lose?"

I've known people akin to the leaves in the Fall,
drawing near to their earthly demise.
They cast off the uniform safety-in-numbers,
unabashed as their spirits break through their firewalls,
flash-flooding among us with stained glass impressions,
prismatic effusions of vibrance and fervor,
imprinting true colors onto the world's stage,
then bursting the ties of their old earthly bounds
and blazing away into heaven.

Thanks for stopping by. Ya'll come back, now!


3 comments: said...

lovely and picturesque said...

The photos and poetry of your words touch the soul.

Kate Louise Wood said... Thanks, so much! I find Nature constantly inspiring.